
Domestic Solar

Domestic Solar Domestic Solar

Domestic Solar

Domestic systems can be mounted on individual homes as well as apartments. Shown above are 3 systems mounted on an apartment block, supplying hot water individually to 3 different households.

We offer systems for individual house owners as well as systems for community housing projects.

Only one in the whole world!

Auto Descale system collectors are optionally provided to our clients. Hard water fed to solar heating system tends to form scales which choke the tubes of solar collectors. It is desirable to de-scale the system at least once in two years in summer to maintain its performance. Depending on hardness of water more frequent de-scaling may be necessary. Even de-mineralized water can affect the system performance. International Engg & Trading Co. optionally provides "AVIN"® AUTO DE-SCALING SYSTEM which prevents and/or delays the formation of scales inside the collector tubes. This preventive "AVIN"® AUTO DE-SCALING METHOD prevents and/or delays the scale formation. Scale formation is directly related to PPM and/or chemistry of water. In the process of auto de-scaling some external MS nipples, couplings, etc. Decay and erode and are required to be replaced periodically which ultimately saves the costly collector. This further improves efficiency and durability.

Consider all parameters carefully before selecting a plastic collector based SWH: price is not the main and only consideration!


In tune and in harmony with Nature and environment!

The highest efficiency is achieved by our solar water heating systems resulting in QUICKEST payback and maximum money savings. This is due to innovative features such as :

Fibreglass body collectors - nil maintenance, better insulation

Super-special selective absorbers to absorb and retain maximum solar energy and transfer it to water circulating inside the collector piping.

Auto Descale feature to keep the system in top working condition for years.

Custom designed units so that each unit matches the needs of the user.

Irrespective of the season everyone would like to bathe in hot water, morning and evening. However, considering the escalating cost of electricity usage of hot water becomes restrained.

With a solar water heating system such restraints are no longer operative. Free sunlight is piped into your home and one can actually enjoy not only hot water baths but also a hot tub bath without worrying about electricity bills. Luxuriate and enjoy!.

In addition to bathing the other usage of hot water is in cooking and cleaning and washing clothes.

Live better and enjoy life more with "AVIN"® Solar water heating system.